Hey wealth builder…
Meet your surrogate Finance Daddy.
(You’ll thank us later…)
The Finance Daddy, a.k.a Sean MacIntyre, grew up in the halls of a Los Angeles brokerage firm where he learned to trade on a Bloomberg terminal and invest at the age of 11. His grandfather was a securities industry trading icon in the 1960s and 70s. His father was an options broker, angel investor, venture capitalist, and entrepreneur.
While Sean always dreamt of being a teacher, and eventually became one, he found himself picking up odd jobs looking for ways to use his talents outside of the lecture hall to make more money. He did so by entering (and winning) creative writing contests as well as freelancing for financial and business management columns. That’s about the time he left behind his career as a professor of rhetoric and literature to focus on writing about the financial industry and business development full-time.
Sean used the financial background from his upbringing, and what he learned as a writer in the industry, to become an investment analyst, entrepreneur, and marketing consultant to some top dogs in the financial industry.
Around 2015, Sean became a protégé to master wealth builder Mark Ford and has since dedicated his life to growing wealthy and sharing (and expanding on) Mark’s knowledge and philosophy of wealth building with the world.
Sean credits his success and knowledge of building wealth and navigating the stock market to all the father figures in his life. (These include his father, grandfather, and Mark Ford among several others.)
These days, Sean spends his “free” time acting as a private portfolio manager in the U.S as well as head equity analyst for a multimillion-dollar international investment trust.
In addition, he happens to be a registered investment advisor in Japan, where he reaches over 22,000 readers. In 2020, he actively set out to bringing his ideas back home, to the U.S. market and began publishing his work at www.diywealth.com.
One last thing about Sean…
He’s also an experienced algorithmic trading programmer and investment systems designer. Since 2019, he has been coding and back testing a successful and proprietary algorithm for a prominent venture capitalist and hedge fund manager.
Sean also holds 5 university degrees, has been called a polymath, is a former orchestral musician, and a nationally published fiction writer. In 2021, he became a dad to a beautiful baby girl. And in 2023, he will welcome the birth of his son with his beautiful wife, “K.”
All About Sean “Finance Daddy “ MacIntyre
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